Basic Courses
Develop or extend your crisis management team with the help of EU Funding
For funding informations see here!
Content of the course:
- Exchange on experience in crisis management in schools
- Coping strategies and personal channels
- Dealing with death and bereavement
- Trauma, trauma reactions, and dealing with trauma
- Order the chaos after a critical incident
- Theoretical and practical basis for intervention
- Dealing with the media
- Care for the caregiver
Description of the Course
Example of the Program:
Basic Course Nyborg 2004
<link fileadmin/espct/documents/basic/Nyborg2004/CrisisManagementProgramNyborgI.doc - download "Initiates file download">Program Nyborg</link>
Materials for helping children after critical incidents
Read moreESPCT Protocols for teachers, parents and communities